Dear APSC family and friends,
The Asian Pacific Student Coalition Board is proud to announce this year's endorsements for President, Vice President, and Undergraduate Assembly Representatives! We are extremely confident in each endorsed candidate's experience, vision, and ability to advance our community's interests.
Please find our President and Vice President rationales below the list of endorsements.
UA President: Matt Amalfitano
Vice President: Mark P. Pan
SAS Rep: Matt Amalfitano, Cynthia Ip, Andrew Lum, Albert Pak, Mark P. Pan, Alec Webley, Amanda Young
Wharton Rep: Faye Cheng, Faizan Khan
Nursing Rep: G.J. Melendez-Torres
Rationale: Matt Amalfitano for UA President
After three years on the UA and serving as this year's Vice Chair of External Affairs, Matt has an understanding of the issues that APSC has dealt with in the past and what we need to do in the future. He went above and beyond his responsibilities as Vice Chair of External Affairs to build a fruitful relationship between APSC and the UA, including regularly reaching out to APSC, inviting the board to a UA general body meeting, and constantly offering his support. Previously, Matt has helped secure additional funding for APAHW, a signature event in the APA community, and volunteered for ECAASU 2010, demonstrating his dedication and involvement with our community. Last year as Academic Affairs Committee Director, he helped lead a resolution to support and develop the Asian American Studies Program. He is well versed in the issues affecting the APA community, including our continued work to support ASAM, our latest effort to support the South Asia Studies Department, and the importance of addressing mental health issues. Additionally, we are impressed by his inclusive vision of diversity that will benefit the entire campus. We proudly support Matt Amalfitano for UA President.
Rationale: Mark P. Pan for UA Vice President
After serving three years on the UA, including as last year's Director of the UA's Civic & Community Engagement Committee and this year's first-ever Communications Director, Mark is a phenomental candidate for Vice President. Mark has extensive experience bringing dozens of UA proposals to fruition and leading innovative efforts to engage disparate communities. Consequently, he has a thorough understanding of the UA's process and we believe that he will best support the APA community by connecting APSC with UA members to achieve tangible results, building relationships between Steering organizations, and brainstorming outlets for new ways to engage in our community. Additionally, Mark will further this year's efforts to make UA Steering meetings a space to bring organizations together and truly steer the UA's agenda. We are also impressed by his commitment to engage beyond our campus boarders in West Philadelphia and the greater Philadelphia community. We proudly support Mark Pan for UA Vice President.
Please feel free to reach out to anyone on APSC board if you have any questions about a particular candidate; we want to do everything we can to support them! Voting opened just minutes ago and polls close on Friday, so please remember to vote as soon as possible at!
APSC Board 2010
Rohan Grover, Chair
Therese Parker, Vice Chair
Bonny Tsang, Vice Chair of Political Affairs
Tenn Nuchkasem, Vice Chair of Cultural Programming
Alex Lim, Vice Chair of University Relations
Cindy Ju, Vice Chair of External Affairs
Fannie Liu, Vice Chair of Communications
Janani Ramachandran, Vice Chair of Development
Therese Parker, Vice Chair
Bonny Tsang, Vice Chair of Political Affairs
Tenn Nuchkasem, Vice Chair of Cultural Programming
Alex Lim, Vice Chair of University Relations
Cindy Ju, Vice Chair of External Affairs
Fannie Liu, Vice Chair of Communications
Janani Ramachandran, Vice Chair of Development
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